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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2023-08-14 发布人:
1. Be well fitted and appropriate
Women's professional attire, such as suits and dresses, should not be too large or too small. The shortest top can be waist length, and the longest skirt cannot extend beyond the middle of the calf, otherwise it will give a feeling of reluctance and looseness. At the same time, it is not allowed to become too overweight or too wrapped around the body, in order to avoid giving people the impression of being inappropriate. When wearing a suit or dress, it is absolutely forbidden to show off and not to be too tight.
2. The buttons should be in place
Wearing a suit and dress must follow the rules by buttoning all the buttons on the top, especially in formal occasions. Even in busy and hot situations, it is not allowed to open up. It is not allowed to take off the coat in front of others. This can make people feel impolite and also affect their image.
Wearing requirements for women's professional attire

3. Underwear cannot be exposed externally
When wearing a suit dress, be sure to button up all the buttons on the top according to the rules, especially in formal occasions. Even if it's busy and hot, it's not allowed to open the button. Don't take off your coat in front of people. This can make people feel impolite and affect their image.
4. Pay attention to wearing underskirts
When wearing a suit skirt, especially when wearing a light or light colored fabric suit skirt, it is important to pay attention to wearing a underskirt underneath, otherwise it will be indecent.
5. Do not mix and match freely
A standard suit skirt should be a combination of a suit jacket and a skirt, rather than jeans, bodybuilding pants, pants skirts, etc. Wear according to this rule for formal occasions such as work, and do not mix and match casually. People feel more formal, rather than hasty and procrastinating.
6. Pay attention to matching shoes and socks
In formal occasions, black or white high heels or half high heels should be worn, paired with flesh colored stockings. The length of the stockings must match the length of the skirt. Generally speaking, long skirts above the knee should wear panties and stockings. Skirt to knee should wear medium length stockings; I should wear stockings just to the knee.
In informal occasions, women with darker legs can wear light colored socks. Those with scars on their legs can wear dark or textured socks, but they are not suitable for formal occasions. Do not wear colored socks with various patterns on any occasion. Do not wear cloth shoes, sandals, sneakers, or slippers when wearing a suit skirt.
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