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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2022-01-25 发布人:
Aesthetically, red, orange, yellow and other colors are called warm colors; Call blue and green cool colors. In medicine, it is believed that the cold and warm of color is opposite to the cold and warm of climate; Warm weather makes people feel tired easily, while cold makes people cheer up; The warm color is easy to excite people, and the cold color will play an inhibitory role.
Warm colors make people look tall
Color plays a great role in clothes. If you are in bad shape, color can make up for you. If you want to make yourself look taller and fatter, you can choose warm and bright suits, such as red, yellow and so on. When you see these colors, it seems that these colors are extending towards you, resulting in the phenomenon of expanding the volume of the object, so this color is called expanding color.
Cool colors make people look thin
Cool clothes can make you look short and thin, such as dark green, blue purple and dark blue. Contrary to warm colors, they play a role in reducing the volume of objects, so they are also called shrinkage colors. If the hips are large and the chest is not plump, it is not suitable to choose light pants or skirts with dark tops, so as not to make your body proportion appear more unbalanced. If you wear a dark blue skirt and a light pink coat, it will shrink your hips and expand your chest, making you look beautiful and plump.
For short people, don't match bright shoes with hats, which will make you look shorter, while gray clothes with bright hats can make you look taller. Thin people wear brightly colored suits made to order, which can make you look plump. If it's Square checked and horizontal striped clothes, it will be more robust and symmetrical. Fat people should not wear too bright suits, especially in winter. They should avoid wearing light colored coveralls and coats, and don't wear too light colored trousers such as white ash in summer.
Because it will make you look fatter and square. People who are too tall should not wear clothes with bright colors and brightness, which will make the human body larger and cause fear and anxiety. If such people wear dark, monochrome and soft clothes, they will appear stable, quiet and amiable
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