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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2024-11-23 发布人:
工作服 属于 劳保用品。劳保用品是指用于保护劳动者在生产过程中的人身与健康所必备的防御性装备。工作服作为特定环境下工作所需的服装,具有劳动保护性质,因此应被计入劳动保护费支出范围。
Work clothes are considered as personal protective equipment. Labor protection equipment refers to the necessary defensive devices used to protect the personal safety and health of workers during the production process. Work clothes, as clothing required for specific work environments, have labor protection properties and should therefore be included in the scope of labor protection expenses.
Specifically, work uniforms can be divided into the following categories:
特种劳动防护用品 :适用于特殊工作环境的防护装备,如防毒面具、呼吸器等。
Special labor protection equipment: protective equipment suitable for special working environments, such as gas masks, respirators, etc.
一般劳动防护用品 :适用于一般工作环境的防护装备,包括工作服、手套、围裙等。
General labor protection equipment: protective equipment suitable for general working environments, including work clothes, gloves, aprons, etc.
For enterprises, the work clothes provided for production workers should be included in the labor protection equipment fee in the manufacturing cost. For non frontline personnel (such as administrative office staff), if the work clothes are intended to enhance the company's image or achieve promotional effects, they cannot be included in the labor insurance fee and should be treated as daily office expenses.
In addition, according to the Enterprise Accounting Standards (Standard No. 35), labor protection supplies should be included in the accounting subject of "employee compensation".
In summary, work clothes can be accounted for and expensed as labor protection equipment under specific conditions. Enterprises should reasonably classify and calculate the cost of work uniforms based on their actual situation and relevant regulations.
This article is provided by Jinan Work Clothes for you. Our website is: http://www.ymsfs.com We will provide you with wholehearted enthusiasm and welcome your visit!
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