联系人: 宁经理 手机:13953116782 电话:15990999232 邮箱:499589624@qq.com 地址:济南市槐荫区清河北路11号(美里新居南门斜对面)亚德森工厂店
来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2021-10-25 发布人:
Business wear (work clothes) reflects the trend of the times and has become the focus of attention. So how to sew professional clothes to make uniforms more elegant and attractive? First of all, we should reduce the shrinkage and wrinkling of fabric during sewing. The fabric of professional wear itself has a great impact on the sewing condition. For example, some carefully organized professional wear fabrics, after finishing fabrics, thinner and non stretchable professional wear fabrics.
When the sewing direction is parallel to the warp direction of these professional wear fabrics, the embedded suture will force the warp away from the original position. Because each sewing thread pushes the warp away, the deviation caused by multi needle accumulation will shrink along the cloth body of the seam, resulting in sewing wrinkling. When the sewing direction is parallel to the weft direction of these professional wear fabrics, there is usually less wrinkling. According to experience, the diagonal seam will not wrinkle. For most professional fabrics, it is enough to avoid wrinkle as long as the seam is in the direction of 15 degrees of longitude or latitude. Therefore, oblique cutting can be considered. If necessary, apply smoothing agent on the fabric of professional wear.

In addition, fine needles should be used as much as possible.
Because the fine needle can significantly reduce the resistance when passing through the professional clothing fabric, it has the effect of preventing seam shrinkage and wrinkling. At the same time, pay attention to replacing the new needle frequently- Dongguan garment factory
When using synthetic sewing thread, the tension of the suture must be carefully determined and adjusted to the minimum. The tension of the bobbin thread must be adjusted to: when the end of the free movement of the suture is pulled up, the bobbin spindle of the bobbin thread and the jacket slide down slowly, and the tension between the upper thread and the bobbin thread must be consistent, so that they are just interwoven between the two layers of professional wear fabrics. If the tension of synthetic sewing thread sewed into professional clothing fabric is too large, it will automatically shrink to alleviate this tension. This phenomenon will shrink the cloth body along the seam and wrinkle the seam.
It should also be noted that the friction between the upper professional wear (work clothes) fabric and the presser foot will also force the lower professional wear fabric on the cloth feeding teeth to move more quickly, resulting in seam wrinkling. As long as the pressure of the presser foot is reduced as much as possible and the fine tooth feed tooth (conveyor) is used at the same time to reduce the rotation speed of the sewing machine, the wrinkling caused by feeding can be avoided. The fundamental way to completely solve this problem is to use the sewing machine with differential feeding or needle feeding mechanism. How to reduce the shrinkage and wrinkling of fabric during sewing, the fabric of professional wear itself has a great impact on the sewing condition. For example, some carefully organized professional wear fabrics, after finishing fabrics, thinner and non stretchable professional wear fabrics
The above is Jinan garment factory http://www.ymsfs.com Thank you for checking the information of our company in your busy schedule. If you want to know more, you are welcome to call for consultation!
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