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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2021-10-20 发布人:
Color selection. The choice of color is very important, and you must be careful. There should be fewer color types of work clothes, not too fancy. And the color should be consistent with the main color of the enterprise. What is business color? That is, in the case of enterprise publicity planning and detailed introduction, enterprises will choose one or several colors and make good marks. Then this mark is the representative of the enterprise, and this color or color composition is the enterprise color. The design of work clothes is best to integrate the enterprise color into the color of work clothes. This is not only the cultural and artistic reflection of an enterprise, but also the publicity and planning of an enterprise. A successful work clothes designed will become a live advertisement wherever you go.
在面料的挑选上。面料的挑选也是很重要的一个一部分。假如说颜色是工作服的表层得话,那麼面料便是整个工作服的实质和本质了。好的面料的工作服职工穿上舒适,舒服,便于工作,也在性上为企业大大加分。好的面料的工作服更为的干净整洁,不起毛,不发皱,不褪色,整齐,为企业的总体面貌和精神风貌大大加分。也有便是面料在一定水平可以解决职工工作中碰到的风险,防范于未然。因此 面料在工作服中的功效十分的关键。不一样领域的企业,在设计工作服的情况下必须有一着。比如说,常常开展野外工作的职工,工作服面料就需要耐磨损,经常出汗的在高溫自然环境下的职工,就需要穿耐热的,透气控干的面料的工作服。不一样领域都是有不一样的设计规范,实际自然环境下,实际设计
In the selection of fabrics. The selection of fabrics is also a very important part. If color is the surface of work clothes, then fabric is the essence and essence of the whole work clothes. Good fabric work clothes are comfortable and comfortable for employees to wear, which is convenient for work, and also greatly adds points to the enterprise in terms of comprehensiveness. The work clothes with good fabrics are more clean and tidy, without fuzzing, wrinkling, fading and tidiness, which greatly adds points to the overall appearance and spiritual outlook of the enterprise. There is also a certain level of fabric can solve the risks encountered by employees in their work and prevent them from happening. Therefore, the effect of fabric in work clothes is very important. Enterprises in different fields must focus on designing work clothes. For example, workers who often carry out field work need wear-resistant fabrics. Workers who often sweat in high-temperature natural environment need to wear heat-resistant, breathable and dry fabrics. Different fields have different design specifications. In the actual natural environment, the actual design
Necessary knowledge of enterprise tooling procurement five elements of work clothes customization
差异。许多 企业的不一样职位上,工作服也会不一样,这就是为了更好地区别技术工种而设计的。有些是颜色上拥有差别,有些是在臂章或是胸章上面有差别,也有的便是样式上面有差别,每一个领域的差别一部分全是不同样的。也有的企业是为了更好地区别上下级关系,工作服这个时候便是拥有真实身份代表。这一真实身份代表也是反映在工作服上的。这一在设计的情况下要严苛依照技术工种不一样和真实身份不一样,设计不一样样式或是颜色的工作服,便于区别。
Differences. In many enterprises, work clothes will be different for different positions, which is designed to better distinguish technical types of work. Some are different in color, some are different in armbands or badges, and some are different in style. Some of the differences in each field are different. Some enterprises want to better distinguish between superior and subordinate relationships. Work clothes have a real identity representative at this time. This real identity is also reflected in the work clothes. In the case of design, we should strictly design work clothes of different styles or colors according to different technical types of work and real identities, so as to facilitate the difference.

Style. Some famous enterprises attach great importance to corporate culture and art. In order to better publicize and plan, they often design work clothes very beautiful, some are designed to better facilitate work, the style is simple and atmospheric, and some are specially designed work clothes to better integrate into the office environment. This is all different.
企业标示。许多 企业全是为了更好地宣传策划功效或是为了更好地反映文化底蕴,都是会在工作服上包装印刷上企业的名字或是企业的标示。这种全是不可或缺的,在设计的情况下要还记得加上上。
Enterprise logo. In order to better publicize the effectiveness of planning or better reflect the cultural heritage, many enterprises will package and print the name or logo of the enterprise on their work clothes. This is all indispensable. Remember to add it in the case of design.
The above is the five factors that should be considered in the case of work clothes design. If you expect the actual effect of work clothes designed by yourself to be very good, then you can take into account the factors of custom classification and sorting of Shenyang hongjinwei work clothes in the case of specific design, Only in this way can customers feel that the designed work clothes are real and satisfactory.
We firmly believe that everyone understands the necessity of labor protection work clothes. Therefore, when ordering labor protection work clothes for employees, the company will cut the work clothes according to the stage conditions. Naturally, the cutting of the company is effective. However, according to statistics, some employees will cut the labor protection work clothes casually when they are dressed, It is obvious that such a practice is resolutely put an end to.
Different positions are different, different posts are different, and the labor protection work clothes in the natural environment are paid attention to. No matter the style or size, color or material, they are all designed and manufactured according to the specific needs of the job. Arbitrarily modifying the style, color and size will weaken its maintenance function and even cause potential safety hazards.
Customized price of work clothes
Necessary knowledge of enterprise tooling procurement five elements of work clothes customization
Avoid cutting labor protection clothes at will. First, we should improve the publicity planning and cultural education on the necessity of wearing standard labor protection clothes, so that everyone can improve their ideological understanding. Second, we should improve the inspection and supervision of labor protection wear, strictly control according to strict requirements, and promote employees to wear labor protection work clothes according to standards.
尽管更新改造劳保工服是个别现象,但企业管理人员一定要防患于未然。在提升文化教育塑造职工标准和时间观念的另外,有关从业者应重视对劳保用具的产品研发与改善,在保证 劳动防护作用的前提条件下,尽可能考虑大家对美观大方与舒服的追求,持续提高劳保用具使用人对劳保用具的认同度喜爱度与接受程度。
Although the renewal and transformation of labor protection work clothes is an individual phenomenon, enterprise managers must take preventive measures. In addition to improving cultural education and shaping employees' standards and time concept, relevant practitioners should pay attention to the product development and improvement of labor protection appliances. On the premise of ensuring the role of labor protection, they should consider everyone's pursuit of perfection for beauty, generosity and comfort as much as possible, and continuously improve the recognition, love and acceptance of labor protection appliances by users of labor protection appliances.
上一条:企业订做工工装马甲需要注意什么? | 下一条:缝制工作服时要注意什么?
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