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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2021-09-26 发布人:
Different shoulder widths reflect different body characteristics. In general, it is enough to know the chest circumference, waist circumference and hip circumference of customized work clothes, but for some work clothes with compact shoulders, the data of shoulder width is also particularly important.
First of all, you have to prepare a soft ruler or other suitable measuring instrument for measurement. Secondly, whether it is self measurement, mutual assistance or measurement for others, the measured person shall adhere to the outstanding standing posture. It is required that the measured person shall be separated by two legs, about the same width as the shoulder, with natural drooping arms and natural stretching and relaxation of the whole body.
When measuring, the measurer can first move his fingers outward along the shoulder blades of the measuree until he touches the highest point of the left and right shoulders, that is, the outer measuring midpoint of the acromion. Here is the measuring point we need to find. Then we take the connecting line of the two measuring points as the benchmark and measure the distance between the connecting lines of the highest points of the two bones with a soft ruler. This part of the length is the distance of the shoulder width we need to find. If you want to measure shoulder width, the best way is to find an assistant to measure each other and minimize the measurement error. Of course, if there is only one person, the same method is also applicable.
How to measure the shoulder width of custom-made clothes? Only after this problem is solved can we make suitable work clothes, which is very important to customers and manufacturers! If you have any questions, please contact the garment customization manufacturer.
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