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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2021-09-24 发布人:
When purchasing work clothes, many enterprises often know a lot about printing process cloth, and can't pay attention to the printing or embroidery of work clothes. Today, Xiaobian summarized the printing process, printing process and classification of work clothes suitable for printing or embroidery.
Work clothes printing
Work clothes fabrics can be roughly divided into two categories:
One is woven fabrics, mainly represented by labor protection clothes, factory clothes, suits, uniforms, school uniforms, assault clothes, sunscreen clothes, etc.
One is knitted fabrics, mainly represented by advertising shirts, sweaters, woolen coats, sweaters, etc.
Generally speaking, the yarn density of woven fabrics is higher than that of knitted fabrics, and the clothes are more dense, which is more suitable for embroidery. The embroidered clothes are not easy to fall off. If the enterprise purchases and provides woven work clothes, we advocate that the embroidery effect is better.
Knitted fabrics have low yarn density and scarce internal structure, so they are not suitable for embroidery. Because knitted fabrics have large needle eyes, it is easy to take off the line, and the embroidery effect is poor. On the contrary, the printing effect is the best, so we can often see that the advertising shirts we usually wear are printed.
Embroidered words on overalls
Printing process can be divided into screen printing and thermal transfer printing. Screen printing is a traditional printing method, that is, the content to be printed is stereotyped. After engraving, the pigment is sprayed or painted directly on it. However, the thermal transfer printing process is more messy and better than screen printing. Thermal transfer printing is processed once by thermal transfer machine (heating and pressurization) The exquisite pattern on the transfer film is transferred to the product appearance. After forming, the ink layer is dissolved into one with the product appearance, which is realistic and beautiful, and greatly improves the product level.
以上就是小编为您提供的关于济南工作服的知识,更多的精彩内容请您继续关注我们的网站:http://www.ymsfs.com ,我们会有更多对的精彩内容 为您分享.
The above is the knowledge about Jinan work clothes provided by Xiaobian. Please continue to pay attention to our website for more wonderful contents: http://www.ymsfs.com , we will have more wonderful content for you to share
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