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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2020-10-21 发布人:
When it comes to work clothes, big guys will think of the working clothes worn by workers in factories and workshops, as well as the common working clothes of sanitation workers and construction workers.
Careful observation, in fact, work clothes are everywhere in our lives.
Today, we are going to make work clothes for our customers. What kind of work clothes do the employees of network technology companies wear?
一般搞IT 网络方面的公司,都是年轻人,不会像平时单位的职工穿正装西服。 办公室装修休闲时尚,自然工装也得显得搭配得体!
Generally, companies engaged in it network are young people, and they will not wear formal suits like the employees of ordinary units. Office decoration leisure fashion, natural work clothes also have to match appropriately!

Summer is OK, T-shirt is OK. But in autumn and winter, don't worry. Here, I'd like to share with you some workwear solutions for network technology companies in recent years.
一、室内温度高,可以考虑卫衣,马甲和单层风衣卫衣有多种样式的,开衫,套头,连帽等等,就比如苹果、三星专营店 蓝色套头卫衣。年轻朝气,简单时尚。
1、 Due to the high indoor temperature, we can consider the sanitary clothes, vest and single-layer windbreaker. There are many styles of sanitary clothes, such as cardigan, pullover, hood, etc., such as blue Pullover Sweater of apple and Samsung stores. Young and vigorous, simple and fashionable.
Single layer windbreaker, some suitable for spring and autumn, but also thickened for winter wear.
2、 Cold outdoor activities, thickened vest and three in one charge.
Some companies often have some out of the post, windproof and warm keeping is the first, at this time, the stormsuit is a good choice.
上一条:检查工装定做质量的方法? | 下一条:工作服定做面料防起球的方法?
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