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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2020-06-08 发布人:
Characteristics of customized workshop work clothes
Factory made work clothes, what kind of workshop work clothes is good? This is a headache for many enterprises to purchase and boss! Buy cheap, save money but not wear. Buy expensive, high cost but not beautiful. It\'s beautiful, expensive and wearable. So, how to choose? It\'s necessary to tie the bell. What kind of work clothes are good? We should directly ask the employees who really wear work clothes. They should have the right to speak!
The editor summarizes the following six characteristics of work clothes that employees like:
1、 职工喜欢的工作服面料凉快的夏季工作服;
1. Staff like working clothes, cool summer working clothes;
2、 职工喜欢的工作服特色时尚美观的样式;
2. The style of work clothes that employees like is fashionable and beautiful;
3、 职工喜欢的工作服特色巨细合身,柔软舒适;
3. The work clothes that employees like are large and slim, soft and comfortable;
4、 职工喜欢的工作服特色做工好,耐磨耐穿;
4. The work clothes preferred by the staff are featured with good workmanship and wear resistance;
5、 职工喜欢的工作服特色个性化刺绣服务都很好;
5. The staff like the work clothes characteristic personalized embroidery service is very good;
6、 职工喜欢的工作服特色样式和做工优良;
6. The style and workmanship of the work clothes preferred by the staff are excellent;
I hope this sharing can help you to customize your work clothes!
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