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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2024-02-13 发布人:
Using anti-static agents for resin finishing of fabrics:
After immersion rolling and baking, it adheres to the surface of synthetic fiber fabrics, giving the fabric a certain anti-static effect. This method is now only used for civilian clothing to overcome static phenomena such as entanglement, spark discharge, pollution, and dust absorption.
Adding anti-static agents inside polyester or nylon polymers:
Surfactants such as phosphates and sulfonates, or the introduction of third monomers to achieve durable anti-static fibers. Due to the fact that most of the antistatic agents in additives are surfactants that react or decompose when exposed to alkali, alkaline detergents should not be used during fabric finishing or washing to prevent affecting the antistatic effect. This type of fiber is suitable for use as dust-free clothing, sterile clothing, and also for civilian clothing.
It is a mixture of conductive fibers in ordinary fabrics:
这种防静电织物由于不受所在环境的影响,现已普遍被接受和认可。这种防静电织物的抗静电性能与导电纤维的种类和导电成分(金属、石墨、炭黑等)在纤维中的分部情况,分为导电成分均一型、导电成分覆盖型、导电成分复合型和导电成分混合型四种。其中含有炭黑、石墨等导电成分的其它复合型导电纤维可以直接用于织造的长丝,经纱中每隔一定间距(如1.5 cm左右)嵌入一根导电长丝,即可获得很好的抗静电效果,是目前用来织造防静电工作服面料好的导电纤维。
This anti-static fabric is now widely accepted and recognized because it is not affected by its environment. The anti-static performance of this anti-static fabric is divided into four types based on the type of conductive fiber and the distribution of conductive components (metal, graphite, carbon black, etc.) in the fiber: uniform conductive component type, covered conductive component type, composite conductive component type, and mixed conductive component type. Other composite conductive fibers containing conductive components such as carbon black and graphite can be directly used for weaving long filaments. A conductive filament can be embedded in the warp yarn at certain intervals (such as about 1.5 cm) to achieve good anti-static effects. It is currently a good conductive fiber used for weaving anti-static workwear fabrics.
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