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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2023-12-11 发布人:
Customizing professional attire is a major event for enterprises, not only because with the change of people's consumption concepts, professional attire customization has become an essential factor in the development of enterprises, but also because professional attire customization can provide a more long-term and bright direction for enterprises. From an industry perspective, uniform attire can leave a deeper impression on businesses and help them establish a better corporate image. Therefore, we must understand these professional dress customization techniques to facilitate our future needs.
1、 Iron it flat, making it appear flat and straight with straight lines. The shirt must be clean and straight, and there should be no dirty collar or cuffs.
2、 Black leather shoes can be paired with dark suits of any color, while brown leather shoes cannot be paired with suits of other colors except for suits of the same color series. Before the taste reaches home, do not wear white socks, especially dark suits, when customizing professional attire.
3、 The outer chest pocket on the left side of the suit top can be used to insert a silk handkerchief for decoration, and nothing else is allowed to be placed, especially pens and glasses should not be worn. The inner chest pocket of a suit top can be used to hold a pen, money clip, or business card holder, but do not put anything too large or thick or useless. The two pockets below the outer side of the suit should ideally not hold anything.
4、 Be clever in matching underwear. Wearing a suit without a shirt and matching it directly with a T-shirt is extremely contrary to etiquette norms. When it is necessary to add a vest or underwear to the shirt due to special circumstances, attention must be paid to: 1. The quantity is limited to one piece; 2. The color must be similar to the color of the shirt; 3. In terms of style, it should be shorter than a shirt, with a suitable "U" or "V" collar shape. It is better not to wear high necked vests or underwear; 4. Be careful not to expose the sleeves of your underwear to others.
5、 Be careful when wearing sweaters. A suit should have a "shape" and a "taste" when worn. Apart from the shirt and vest, it should not be worn inside the suit jacket. If the cold is unbearable, you can wear a thin V-neck monochrome wool sweater or cashmere sweater inside the suit top.
6、 When wearing a suit, be sure to take good care of its original condition and not curl it up. In general, casually rolling up the leg of a suit is not a sign of etiquette. And it is necessary to constantly remind oneself to fasten the button or pull the latch. When participating in important activities, it is also necessary to check quietly at any time to avoid mistakes.
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