联系人: 宁经理 手机:13953116782 电话:15990999232 邮箱:499589624@qq.com 地址:济南市槐荫区清河北路11号(美里新居南门斜对面)亚德森工厂店
来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2023-11-23 发布人:
When using synthetic sewing thread, care must be taken to determine the tension of the thread and adjust it to a low level. The tension of the bottom thread must be adjusted to: when the free moving end of the sewing thread is pulled up, the bottom thread spindle and outer sleeve slowly slide downwards, and the tension of the top thread and bottom thread must be consistent, so that they are intertwined between the two layers of fabric.
The tension of the synthetic sewing thread sewn into the fabric is too high, and it will automatically shrink to alleviate this tension. This phenomenon will cause the fabric body along the seam to shrink, causing the seam to wrinkle.
When the sewing direction is parallel to the warp direction of these fabrics, the embedded thread will force the warp yarn away from its original position. As each stitch pushes the warp yarn apart, the deviation generated by the accumulation of multiple stitches will shrink along the fabric body of the seam, resulting in wrinkling of the sewing seam. When the sewing direction is parallel to the weft direction of these fabrics, there is usually less wrinkling.
According to experience, diagonal seams in diagonals do not wrinkle, and for most fabrics, keeping the seam at a 15 degree angle of longitude or latitude is sufficient to avoid wrinkling. Therefore, oblique cutting method can be considered for operation. If necessary, a smoothing agent can be applied to the fabric.
In recent years, with the continuous diversification and differentiation of market demand for clothing fabrics, various new spinning technologies have emerged one after another, such as Siro spinning, Solo spinning, Sirofil spinning, compact spinning, etc. These new spinning technologies have a common feature, which is achieved through appropriate modifications to the spinning machine to achieve their respective goals. The currently hotly discussed "semi worsted" in the industry is completely different. It is an organic combination of cotton and wool spinning equipment, and an innovative spinning process. The characteristic of "semi worsted" spinning is its strong adaptability to processing raw materials, which can blend wool, cotton, silk, hemp, and various chemical fibers in any ratio. The various fiber blended fabrics developed using the "semi worsted" spinning process are novel and unique, making the product structure exceptionally rich, in line with market demand and the development trend of wool spinning technology.
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