联系人: 宁经理 手机:13953116782 电话:15990999232 邮箱:499589624@qq.com 地址:济南市槐荫区清河北路11号(美里新居南门斜对面)亚德森工厂店
来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2019-06-25 发布人:
Usually there are more porters and freight companies, such as logistics, moving, loading and unloading goods, and other types of porters. How to choose work clothes for porters who are often physically active and energetic?
How to Choose Workclothes for Porters
1. The Porter chooses the Turner of the overalls:
This is very important, regardless of the style of fabrics, if the quality of the lathe worker is not up to standard, even if there is a slight burst of line at the joint, it will become more and more serious with the large-scale limb work cracks of the porter in two working days, so the quality of the lathe worker must be requested.
Jinan overalls
2. The Porter chooses the fabric of the overalls:

Summer air permeable winter wear is the most fundamental, hot summer gives workers the best working clothing fabric characteristics is breathable and sweat absorbent fabric, but generally do not use cotton fabrics, wrinkle easily. In the cold winter, it is necessary to reach the wear-resisting characteristic to make the work clothes not easy to be damaged.
Jinan overalls
3. The Porter chooses the color of his overalls:
That's also the point. Porter's clothes are usually dark and bright colors. When necessary, reflective strips should be added so as not to give a safe hint when working at night.
Finally, summarize the size of the porter's work clothes is loose, which is understood by everyone, but it is also necessary to carry out, and I will not say much here. The above is the related content of Jinan Workwear Factory for you, hope to help you, our website is http://www.ymsfs.com, welcome to call for advice.
上一条:山东工作服厂家:为什么定做的工作服会发黄? | 下一条:夏季职业装搭配,解救毕业季~
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