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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2023-11-06 发布人:
As a durable and practical work clothing, workwear has unique matching techniques in terms of color due to different types of work and environments. The following is an introduction to color matching techniques tailored for Jining tooling.
1. 根据工作场所和职业特点进行选择。不同的工作场所和职业特点需要不同的颜色搭配。例如,机械加工类工作场所,可以选择深色系的工作服,以体现性和性;而对于服务类行业,则可以选择浅色系的工作服,以营造亲切和温馨的氛围。
1. Choose based on the characteristics of the workplace and profession. Different workplaces and occupational characteristics require different color combinations. For example, in mechanical processing workplaces, dark colored work clothes can be chosen to reflect professionalism and safety; For service industries, you can choose light colored work clothes to create a friendly and warm atmosphere.
2. 考虑面料和制作工艺:工装的面料和制作工艺也会影响到颜色搭配的效果。例如,深色系的面料容易产生静电,因此在一些需要防静电的工作场所就不适合使用深色系的工作服。同时,制作工艺也会影响到颜色的呈现效果,例如印花、绣花等工艺可以增加工装的层次感和美观度。

2. Consider the fabric and production process: The fabric and production process of the fixture can also affect the effect of color matching. For example, dark colored fabrics are prone to generating static electricity, so it is not suitable to use dark colored work clothes in some workplaces that require anti-static measures. At the same time, the production process can also affect the color presentation effect, such as printing, embroidery and other processes that can increase the layering and aesthetics of the work clothes.
3. 考虑色彩搭配的协调性:在选择工装颜色时,需要考虑色彩搭配的协调性。可以选择相邻色系进行搭配,以营造出柔和、舒适的视觉效果;也可以选择对比色系进行搭配,以突出工装的个性和活力。
3. Consider the coordination of color matching: When choosing the color of the fixture, it is necessary to consider the coordination of color matching. You can choose to match adjacent color schemes to create a soft and comfortable visual effect; You can also choose a contrasting color scheme for pairing to highlight the individuality and vitality of the work outfit.
In short, the color matching techniques for customized fixtures need to be considered based on various factors such as industry, fabric and production process, and the coordination of color matching, in order to create a practical and beautiful fixture.
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