联系人: 宁经理 手机:13953116782 电话:15990999232 邮箱:499589624@qq.com 地址:济南市槐荫区清河北路11号(美里新居南门斜对面)亚德森工厂店
来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2023-10-23 发布人:
1、 The measurement posture should be correct
When customizing body measurements for women's suits, the measured person must wear underwear or a thin outer garment that fits snugly, and thick clothing must be removed. When measuring a woman's body, the woman should stand upright, relax, and maintain a natural posture. Maintain a standard standing posture, a good weight surveyor measures the body quickly and accurately, and ladies should try not to change positions. Maintain strict horizontal lines, as the correctness of correct standing posture largely determines the accuracy of dimensions such as front body length, foot height, back body length, skirt length, and pants length.
2、 Measure the basic circumference data well
Chest circumference: When measuring the chest circumference for women's suits, the measuring tape passes through the position of the peak of the breast, making the tape measure horizontally for one week. Be careful not to be too tight or too loose, and maintain a dignified posture to measure standard data. Pay attention to measuring the circumference of the lower breast, using a tape measure to measure it horizontally for one week.

Waist circumference: Measure horizontally with a tape measure at the waist circumference, and add relaxation according to the variety.
Hip circumference: Measure horizontally around the full buttocks for one week, and add relaxation to the root variety.
Because during measurement, it is necessary to carefully analyze the body characteristics of the measured person, record their special parts, and estimate these special parts (such as arched back, sloping shoulders, straightened chest, high and low shoulders, etc.) in the drawing design. Various defects in the body shape should be modified or covered up through appropriate methods such as high back stitching, pleating, and wrinkling. Therefore, special attention should be paid when measuring the body.
3、 Measure details of other parts
Shoulder width measurement: It is the length between the left and right shoulder endpoints, measured through the back neck point. Back width: Measure the length between the left and right rear armpits of the back.
胸宽:测量前胸左右前腋点之间的长度。乳间距:左右乳峰点之间的长度。 衣长:从后颈点到上衣的底摆线的距离。根据不同款式可以做成调整。
Chest width: Measure the length between the left and right anterior axillary points of the chest. Breast spacing: The length between the left and right milk peaks. Length: The distance from the back of the neck to the hem of the top. Adjustments can be made according to different styles.
Knee length: The vertical length measured from the waistline to the knee bone.
Skirt length: Measure from the waist line to the desired hem line position.
Pant length: measured from the waist line through the knee to the outer ankle bone.
With the summary above for Jinan tooling customization, I hope it can be helpful to our customers. If you have any questions or need help, please click on our website: http://www.ymsfs.com Or call for consultation, and we will do our best to solve it for you
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