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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2019-05-30 发布人:
Jinan tooling customized, you can choose a variety of styles!
With the continuous improvement of people's consumption level, the traditional uniform can no longer meet the needs of workers. After all, everyone loves beauty. With the development of fashion clothing, there are many styles, and constantly improve their production technology, so that the work clothing market is more competitive.
In addition, our impression of the work clothes worn by workers in the 1980s or 1990s tends to be monotonous in color and style. Now in 2019, the customization of work clothes has undergone great changes in fabrics, prices, styles and crafts.
In order to clearly understand the difference between modern work clothes and traditional work clothes, we have made a detailed comparison below.

1. Fabric comparison: After several wrinkles and deformations, shrinkage and decolorization, the bought overalls are cheap and rough fabrics chosen by traditional overalls, even irritating to their skin. Nowadays, many cloth manufacturers choose a certain level of cloth in order to improve their competitiveness. The cloth is smooth and delicate, so the work clothes produced are comfortable and durable.
Second, price comparison: that is the so-called "one penny, one goods", and now the fabric and production technology of traditional overalls are slightly backward, so this is an important reason why traditional overalls are cheap.
3. Style comparison: The traditional style of work clothes is a relatively single upper and lower body color. Although, the design of overalls is much better now, the integration of various fashion elements makes overalls more beautiful and handsome.
Fourth, process comparison: the traditional workwear manufacturers are trapped in the technology is too simple, so there is no precision in the automobile production line. Now the workwear manufacturers pay attention to work on the needle and thread, choose high-quality zippers, buttons, such clothes are more durable and have a stronger texture.
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