联系人: 宁经理 手机:13953116782 电话:15990999232 邮箱:499589624@qq.com 地址:济南市槐荫区清河北路11号(美里新居南门斜对面)亚德森工厂店
来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2023-02-20 发布人:
1. The customized color of Jinan tooling should match the company's design style. Different companies have different design styles. This is not determined by your hobbies, but the color and design style determined by different companies and different technology types. According to the regulations of food industry and pastry factories, work clothes are light colors, such as white, light blue and light pink. Plants in the mechanical equipment and hardware industry need to choose darker work clothes, such as dark blue, gray and brown. This color is good for cleaning. Generally speaking, we should abide by three color elements, in other words, the color cannot exceed three. They are generally gray-black, dark blue and gray.
2. The style and color of work clothes are basically considered separately. Some must be separated, and some must be one-piece clothes or special requirements.
3. The selection of fabrics should be based on the characteristics of the post.
4. Some positions need to wear special protective clothing, such as anti-static clothing, and metal zippers cannot be used to replace accessories (locks, buttons, and fasteners).
5. The sewing process and wiring should be neat, and there should be no too many knots. Some places also need to be knotted or adopt the method of double-wire reinforcement to prevent thread opening.

6. The specifications should be as accurate as possible, tailored to special circumstances, and employees should be dressed as appropriate as possible.
7. Embroidery hot stamping is mostly embroidery, but now hot stamping is also very good, you can choose according to the fabric.
8. Purpose: Regardless of the design scheme or the selection of work clothes, the factors at this level should be fully considered according to different fields, different jobs, different work contents, and different genders. Therefore, when selecting or customizing work clothes, it is necessary to communicate with business designers in detail, so that the design scheme of work clothes can conform to the natural environment.
9. Aesthetics: The key to the aesthetics of work clothes is reflected in the design scheme and company culture. A good work clothes can also reflect the cohesion of the company's team, and play a positive role in improving the company's cultural heritage and opening up brand image. When designing the scheme, we should also integrate the company's VI into it.
10. Rationality: The key to rationality lies in the fabric, style, modeling design, and processing technology and steps of work clothes customization. These levels of supervision can reasonably reduce the cost of work clothes customization.
The ten common problems of work clothes customization described in detail above are expected to help you. Come to our website if you need customized clothes http://www.ymsfs.com consulting service
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