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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2023-02-13 发布人:
When working in many clean workshops, food workshops, central kitchens and other environments, it is necessary to carry out regular professional disinfection of the working clothes of the operators. Let's talk about the disinfection methods of Jinan work clothes and the cleaning and disinfection process of work clothes.
What are the disinfection methods of work clothes?
We know that the sun has the function of sterilization and deodorization, and the work clothes can also play the role of sterilization under the sun, which is economical and practical, but also has disadvantages. Because the work clothes will become stiff and inelastic after high temperature exposure, making it difficult to wear, causing great friction to the skin, affecting comfort, and fading the work clothes, it is not recommended to use.
(1) Everyone should put dirty work clothes in the designated place at the specified time.
(2) Work clothes shall be cleaned in different areas according to their cleanliness or applicable workshop.
(3) Work clothes should be washed in batches, and the amount of washing should not exceed 2/3 of the capacity of the washing machine.
(4) For some dirty work clothes, the laundryers need to wash them by hand before using the washing machine.
(5) Put the dirty work clothes into the washing machine, add a proper amount of washing powder, and cover the upper cover of the washing machine.

Cleaning and disinfection process of work clothes
(6) Turn on the power supply, turn on the faucet switch, turn on the machine, set the washing program, and start washing.
(7) After the first dehydration and water injection, lift the upper cover of the washing machine, add 1 bottle (50Oml) of cresol soap solution, continue to rinse twice, and then dehydrate and dry.
(8) After use, unplug the power plug, turn off the faucet, and hang the drain pipe on the hook on the side of the washing machine.
(9) After washing and drying, the clothes must be sent to the drying room for drying.
(10) Fold neatly and repair any damage (repair with the same cloth).
The above is about the cleaning and disinfection methods and processes of work clothes. I hope it can help you. Our company receives customized service for work clothes. If you have any need, come to our website http://www.ymsfs.com Ask about it!
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