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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2023-01-11 发布人:
The clothes we often wear in our life and work are easy to be damaged, but the clothes with poor quality will be damaged more frequently and to a greater extent. In addition to the poor quality of customized clothes, what parts of the Jinan work clothes we often wear are easy to be damaged?
1. Clothes zipper
The zipper of employees' work clothes is one of the parts that are easy to be damaged. The zippers of cheap work clothes on the market are made of plastic materials. They are easy to be damaged after being pulled a few times, which brings a lot of inconvenience to the work. Therefore, it is necessary to do a good job on the zipper of clothes and apply metal zippers.
2. Pockets
The waist pocket can be said to be a part frequently used by employees. It is often necessary to put parts needed for work in the pocket. The poor fabric of the pocket or the excessively simple workmanship of the pocket are very easy to tear the pocket, which not only affects the image of employees' work clothes, but also brings inconvenience to work.
3. Cuff
The cuffs of Jinan work clothes often rub with the lower machinery and equipment during work, so the cuffs should withstand wear and tear, and the fabric should be of good quality. The sewing process should use the widely used reverse binding double-thread sewing process as far as possible, with fine workmanship and tight wiring, so as to be strong and wear resistant.

4. The hem is tight and loose
After a long time of application, the top hem is very easy to loosen, so in the hem design, the double-car hem design is applied, the tightness is moderate, giving employees a comfortable wearing experience, and can wear it for a long time without loosening.
These are the parts of Jinan work clothes that are easy to be damaged, or they are frequently used, or they are frequently contacted. Therefore, we should pay more attention to the subsequent manufacturing and application process, especially those parts that are frequently used and have more friction, so as to maintain their long-term application. Come to our website for more relevant content http://www.ymsfs.com Ask about it!
上一条:不同面料工作服的清洗和烘干方法 | 下一条:职业装的褪色问题需要提前预防!
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