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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2022-11-28 发布人:
Most of the time, Jinan tooling customization will inevitably be contaminated with various stains during work, and these stains are mostly industrial stains, such as paint, glue, rust and other stains. Here are some good ways to get rid of it.
Cleaning of paint
When the work clothes are stained with paint, they should be cleaned in a short time. You can pour a little of "Tianna Water" (paint thinner) on the stained parts for cleaning, or you can use gasoline for cleaning. It is worth noting that this method is suitable for cleaning parts, and it is not allowed to soak the whole clothes in Tianna water or gasoline for cleaning.
Cleaning of watercolor stains
When the work clothes are accidentally stained with watercolor stains, it is difficult to remove the stains by ordinary methods. You can put the clothes in the heat of 60-80 ℃. It should be noted that too hot will make the watercolor color fall on the work clothes more difficult to clean, and too cold will not work.
After soaking in hot water, use soap to make foam. After repeated cleaning, the watercolor stains will fall. The principle is to dissolve and remove the glue in the stains through hot water, but pay attention to the control of water temperature!

Rust removal
Whether at work or in daily life, if you accidentally stain the customized Shenzhen work clothes or fashionable clothes with rust stains, you will find that this small rust is difficult to remove whether you use detergent, detergent or soap.
The correct method is to soak the customized work clothes with rust stains in 2% acetic acid. After soaking for two or three minutes, rinse them with water.
If you think that the 2% acetic acid can be found, you can also directly use rice vinegar as the seasoning for cooking, pour a little on the parts of the work clothes that have rust stains, and then wash them again. Under normal circumstances, the rust stains will be removed.
For these industrial stains, we need to timely clean and reasonably clean the work clothes stained with solid stains. In fact, we need to use different methods to clean different stains. For your reference, please contact us for more related matters http://www.ymsfs.com Consult!
上一条:服装厂教您区分不同工作服面料特性 | 下一条:掌握定制职业装与选购成衣的差别
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