联系人: 宁经理 手机:13953116782 电话:15990999232 邮箱:499589624@qq.com 地址:济南市槐荫区清河北路11号(美里新居南门斜对面)亚德森工厂店
来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2022-11-11 发布人:
Faced with all kinds of professional clothes, some are bright and gorgeous, some are plain and unadorned. What are the factors that affect the style and characteristics of professional clothes? After many years of experience and reference materials, Jinan professional suit customization summarized several influencing factors for you, which can let you have a deeper understanding.
1. Glossy feeling: Glossy feeling mainly depends on the color, finish, organizational structure and other aspects of the fabric. Glossy sense refers to the visual effect formed by the reflected light on the surface. The fabrics with good luster include: filament, satin, worsted fabrics, etc
2. Color sense: the color sense of the fabric is very important. If the color sense is good, the overall effect will be particularly good. The visual effect of the fabric color has a deep influence on various fibers, dyes, and processing methods.
3. Texture: For a garment, we can easily distinguish which fabric it is made of. The comprehensive effect of fabric appearance and texture is called texture. If the clothes are fluffed, fluffed, washed, silk like and other finishing can change the texture characteristics of the fabric.

4. Stereoscopic feeling: the body feeling of the fabric, through the action of various factors, makes the surface of the cloth show three-dimensional visual forms such as crepe, uneven, pleated, etc., reflecting the modeling ability of the fabric.
5. Comfort: It gives you a comfortable feeling whether you are wearing or feeling. It is the psychological and physiological comfort brought by the luster, color, texture and three-dimensional sense of the fabric.
The customization and selection of professional clothing mainly depends on the personal attitude of the decision-makers in their units. It is important to choose the style and characteristics that are suitable for your enterprise. More relevant content will come to our website http://www.ymsfs.com Ask and understand!
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