联系人: 宁经理 手机:13953116782 电话:15990999232 邮箱:499589624@qq.com 地址:济南市槐荫区清河北路11号(美里新居南门斜对面)亚德森工厂店
来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2022-10-17 发布人:
We will take off the work clothes after work, and then maintain them to ensure that the work clothes are always clean and in good condition. Here are eight effective tips for daily maintenance of Jinan work clothes.
1. Remove the items in your pocket, change your work clothes when you go home, and take out the items in your pocket. If the pocket is filled with things and hung, the work clothes are easily deformed.
2. The overalls cannot be machine washed. They are easy to deform after machine washing. Hand washing is better.
3. The inner side of the collar of the work clothes is easy to accumulate dust, so the collar should be erected and hung with a hanger, and the dust should be stored after being cleared.
4. It is recommended not to wear a work coat for more than two days continuously. Because of the deformation caused by local tension, a suit hanger should be selected and hung to allow it to "rest" properly for recovery.

5. If the work clothes are stained with other fibers or dust that is difficult to remove, it can be absorbed with adhesive tape.
6. The work coat that is worn or kept in the wardrobe for a long time should be hung in a slightly humid place, which is conducive to the recovery of fatigue of Yi Yan fiber and can remove wrinkles. However, excessive humidity will affect the shaping effect.
7. When storing overalls, hang them on the hanger smoothly, with the reverse side facing outward, put mothballs and other insecticides in the pocket, cover them with plastic cavity sleeves, and store them in a place with good ventilation and low humidity.
8. The coat of work clothes shall be hung with a coat hanger, and a wooden or plastic wide handle arc shaped coat hanger shall be used.
Note that some special fabrics cannot be washed in the washing machine during the cleaning process of work clothes. It should be noted that ordinary fabrics can be directly placed in the washing machine, and then washed step by step according to the washing steps. Come to our website for more information http://www.ymsfs.com consulting service
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