联系人: 宁经理 手机:13953116782 电话:15990999232 邮箱:499589624@qq.com 地址:济南市槐荫区清河北路11号(美里新居南门斜对面)亚德森工厂店
来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2022-10-12 发布人:
In order to take into account the subsequent increase of employees, many enterprises will generally increase the purchase quantity when customizing business uniforms, but sometimes it will lead to the situation that some new employees do not have the right number of yardages when they are hired, which affects their work. So why is there a wrong code number, and how to avoid it? Jinan professional clothing manufacturers to answer for you.
1. Reasons for inappropriate code number:
In general, this is the case in enterprises that have no experience in customizing work clothes. They do not have a general understanding of the height and weight of their employees, which is a direct manifestation of their work failure. Moreover, each clothing factory has different standards.
2. The second reason for inappropriate size:
A large number of enterprises is unrealistic for manufacturers to tailor themselves to everyone. Time and cost are very limiting factors.

1. When placing an order for customized professional clothing, the enterprise can ask the manufacturer of the uniforms for the relevant size adaptation table, and then the enterprise can reasonably allocate the number and size according to the figure of its employees (of course, this method is not accurate).
2. If you are worried or have high requirements for the fit of customized professional clothes, the enterprise can also ask the clothing manufacturer to provide samples of the same style and different sizes for employees to try on, and then ask the relevant person in charge of the enterprise to register and summarize the final results to the manufacturer, so that the relevant size statistics can be more accurate; In addition, if there are some people with special figures in the enterprise, they can also be measured separately by the manufacturer of customized work clothes, and then made according to the relevant dimensions.
The above is the knowledge about how to solve the problem of size discrepancy when customizing professional clothes, which I hope will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please call http://www.ymsfs.com !
上一条:冬季防静电工装定做的四点注意 | 下一条:职业装裤子定做设计的问题
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