联系人: 宁经理 手机:13953116782 电话:15990999232 邮箱:499589624@qq.com 地址:济南市槐荫区清河北路11号(美里新居南门斜对面)亚德森工厂店
来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2022-06-24 发布人:
When customizing work clothes, the first thing to look at is the workmanship. Good workmanship determines the life of a garment. Compared with the gap of the sleeve, it can be pulled gently to see if the needle eye is too big. The needle eye is too big, which proves that the work clothes are not sewn tightly. After long-term cleaning and pulling, the clothes are easy to show short lines and then wear.
When customizing business clothes, another point of concern is the cloth. For laymen, we can draw a conclusion through close contact with the cloth. Generally, the appearance of defective materials is rough and there is no grain, while the appearance of the relative cloth is smooth, giving people a very comfortable and smooth feeling.

When selecting professional clothes, you can also smell them with your nose. The manufacturing process of professional clothes carried out by some professional clothes manufacturers is incomplete. When using some cloth harmful to the skin, as long as you smell it and feel the smell of X, such professional clothes are not qualified. Of course, if you can, you can also adopt the method of using fire. This step is mainly to determine the cotton content!
When selecting Jinan professional wear, we should also pay attention to its design style. Nowadays, when we go to work, we should also be exquisite and good-looking. In addition, there are business contacts between the public. It is impossible for customers to appreciate the public. The business wear with bad style is shown to customers, which makes people feel that the public is very classless.
The above is the relevant answers to the questions. If you want to get more relevant information, please follow our website http://www.ymsfs.com Come on!
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