联系人: 宁经理 手机:13953116782 电话:15990999232 邮箱:499589624@qq.com 地址:济南市槐荫区清河北路11号(美里新居南门斜对面)亚德森工厂店
来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2022-04-27 发布人:
The nature of work should also be considered when customizing several sets of work clothes. For example, those enterprises engaged in production, if the wear of work clothes is relatively large, one set of work clothes is certainly not enough. More than two sets of work clothes can be configured for employees according to the wear rate in each season.
Generally, when purchasing work clothes for employees, enterprises customize them according to the needs of the current season. Seasonal factors will be taken into account in the customization of employees' work clothes. Generally, there are two kinds of clothes: summer clothes and spring and autumn clothes. If we calculate by two sets of employee uniforms per season. Usually, an enterprise needs about 4 sets of work clothes a year. Some enterprises will customize winter work clothes for employees, so there are six sets of work clothes.
In fact, it is more appropriate for enterprises to customize several sets of employees' work clothes, and there is no certain standard. One set is OK, two sets are OK, sometimes it may be three or four sets or even more. We all know that there are many kinds of employee work clothes. Different industries and jobs have different customization requirements for work clothes.

The customized work clothes of food enterprises should be alkali resistant and waterproof cloth. By solving the problem of making the surface of cloth chemical fiber conflict with oil-soluble substances, water and other liquids, it is suitable for food enterprises with many oil-soluble substances. Some large and medium-sized food production workshops will adopt it, which is more reliable. It is the style fabric of food enterprises. Polyester fine bead white canvas. This kind of cloth is of good quality and more expensive. The cloth is breathable, hygroscopic and lint free. It is suitable for customized work clothes of food processing factories in summer. And the working clothes of food enterprises need to be eliminated. We must strictly manage the style and fabric, so that everyone can eat reliable food.
There are many kinds of food enterprises. According to the natural environment and damage level of the production line, the customization of work clothes in food processing plants will be different. The working clothes for general food and drinks are generally white coats, working clothes with mesh hats, and the cloth is polyester. This kind of cloth is not expensive and is not easy to wool. It is suitable for small and medium-sized food processing plants with low environmental pollution level.
The above is the detailed introduction of Jinan work clothes. I hope it will help you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service http://www.ymsfs.com
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