联系人: 宁经理 手机:13953116782 电话:15990999232 邮箱:499589624@qq.com 地址:济南市槐荫区清河北路11号(美里新居南门斜对面)亚德森工厂店
来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2022-01-07 发布人:
Now, most customers demand "reasonable price" and "high cost performance".
For the purchase of enterprise work clothes, first of all, the enterprise has a certain budget for the customization of employees' work clothes every year. No matter what the quality of the products we choose, the overall price has an upper limit, and the procurement department will strictly control it. Secondly, the buyer hopes to buy higher quality work clothes at the same price, professional and efficient customization and after-sales service. They all want value for money. In addition, everyone must admit that good work clothes quality and process level mean relatively high price. Good quality and low price is actually an ideal product quality. If the price is still relatively low, there may be problems, especially for the purchase of work clothes.

In order to pursue low price, many workwear manufacturers, under the banner of high quality, actually steal work and cut materials on fabrics, and the weight of yarn can not meet the requirements or process requirements. Therefore, they pursue the order quantity and profit space in price, but can not meet the requirements in price. Moreover, this kind of work clothes produced and processed, especially those enterprises with high requirements for labor safety protection function, undoubtedly buried hidden dangers. From this point of view, the low price obviously brought greater losses.
Look at the work clothes with tens of yuan on the Internet, the style is old, there is no beauty and appearance, or the cloth quality is very poor, thick, wear resistance, insufficient service life, uncomfortable dressing experience, easy to decolorize after cleaning, etc. for such low-cost products, the grass-roots employees of the majority of enterprises are generally dissatisfied with their clothes, and the overall external image of the enterprise is damaged.
Jinan tooling customization has strict standards in all links of mold product design, customization and production. The corresponding product price will change according to the selected fabric properties and the difficulty of design and R & D.
The above is the wonderful content customized by Jinan tooling. For more wonderful content, please click: http://www.ymsfs.com We will have more wonderful content for you to check later
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