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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2021-12-28 发布人:
1. Good hygienic performance
它具 有动物兽毛 所特有的良 好的弹 性、柔软 性、独特 的缩绒性 及抗皱 性,当 吸收湿气 或汗液后 还具保暖 性。
It has the unique good elasticity, softness, unique cashmere shrinkage and wrinkle resistance of animal hair. It also has warmth retention after absorbing moisture or sweat.
2. Good appearance
精纺 毛织品面 料做成的成 衣,有坚 牢耐穿,长 时间内 不变形,因 无极光 而格外 显得庄重,质 地滑爽,外观 高雅、挺 括、触感丰 满、风 格经典、光 泽自然柔 和等 特点。
The ready-made clothes made of worsted wool fabrics have the characteristics of firmness and durability, no deformation for a long time, especially solemn due to the absence of Aurora, smooth texture, elegant appearance, crisp, plump touch, classic style, natural and soft luster, etc.
羊绒 大衣的优 点:
Advantages of cashmere coat:

1. Good warmth retention
因 为羊绒的 物质成份和羊 毛是一样 的,而其更 加柔软,因 而保暖性 更高。
Because the material composition of cashmere is the same as that of wool, and it is softer, so it has higher warmth retention.
2. Soft and comfortable
因为羊 绒是 羊为了迎接 冬天而 长出的细 绒,所以非 常柔 软,手感舒 适。
Because cashmere is the fine cashmere grown by sheep to meet the winter, it is very soft and comfortable.
3. Visual Aestheticism
羊 绒是小 细毛,十 分细 腻轻盈,带来奢 华的视觉 体验。
Cashmere is a small fine wool, very delicate and lightweight, bringing a luxurious visual experience.
4. Excellent feel
羊绒 大衣所含 有的羊绒 成分决 定了它 柔软、滑 糯、暖、爽 的特点,含的 羊绒成 分越高,这 种特性 便越明显。手 摸上去 暖暖润 润,细 腻而丰 满。
The cashmere composition contained in the cashmere coat determines its soft, waxy, warm and cool characteristics. The higher the cashmere composition, the more obvious this characteristic will be. Hands feel warm, delicate and plump.
5、羊绒 具有不 脱毛、不褪色 等特 点
5. Cashmere has the characteristics of no depilation and no fading
The above is the main content of Jinan tooling customization to share with you. Please continue to pay attention to us for more wonderful content: http://www.ymsfs.com
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