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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2021-11-22 发布人:
Difference 1 between OLO shirt and T-shirt: different attribute concepts
Polo shirt has a narrow range, it has a specific style; T-shirt is a general term. In China, T-shirt can be Lapel T-shirt, round neck or V-neck T-shirt. Even some people often call polo shirt T-shirt, but round neck T-shirt and V-neck T-shirt can not be called polo shirt.
Difference 2 between polo shirt and T-shirt: different collar style
The collar of high-quality polo shirt pays attention to style, standing and straightness. The collar is often spliced with multiple fabrics. The collar of lapel T-shirt is a flat machine rib collar, while round neck T-shirt or V-neck T-shirt has no collar or only part of the collar.
Three differences between polo shirt and T-shirt: different hem styles

The hem of polo shirt is split. Most foreign brand polo shirts are designed with short front and long back, while the common design in China is Qi fork design; Most Lapel T-shirts do not split or have the same length as before and after opening, while round neck T-shirts or V-neck T-shirts do not split.
Four differences between polo shirt and T-shirt: wearing occasion
Polo shirt is born for specific sports (tennis, golf and polo). The style design of polo shirt pays more attention to formality and solemnity; The T-shirt is loved by the people because of its convenience, leisure, practicality, casual, DIY and other characteristics.
Five differences between polo shirt and T-shirt: fabric material
Whether polo shirts or T-shirts, the fabrics used to make them belong to knitted fabrics. However, polo shirts and lapel T-shirts generally use bead mesh fabrics, while round neck T-shirts and V-neck T-shirts mostly use plain knitted fabrics.
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