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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2021-09-16 发布人:
1. Special washing
Soap is a common auxiliary for washing clothes at ordinary times, but after the clothes are moldy, you find that rubbing with soap does not have a particularly good effect, mainly because your soapy water is not used in the right way. If the mildew pollution area is large, immerse the clothes in strong soapy water, take them out directly after about 3 to 5 minutes and expose them to the sun. In this way, wash the clothes after repeated times, and generally all the mildew can be disposed of. If there are still bleary spots, you can wipe them with 5% ammonia or turpentine to remove them.
2. Sun exposure
It is well known that moldy clothes are caused by molds, so removing molds can be a good solution, and the most fear of molds is exposure to the sun, so at this time, take the clothes to the sun, and then gently brush off the moldy hairs with a fine brush. If you haven't cleaned them, you can wipe them with alcohol or mung bean sprouts, and then wash them in the normal washing process, Then the moldy clothes will be white again. Of course, this method is applicable to the case where the mildew of clothes is light. If it is serious, we should find another method.

3. Mildewed silk clothes
First wash with citric acid, and then rinse thoroughly with cold water to remove.
4. Mildew of hemp clothes
Clean with calcium chloride. For the treatment of moldy wool clothing, wash it with mustard solution (one tablespoon of mustard dissolved in one bucket of water) or borax solution (two tablespoons of borax dissolved in one bucket of water).
5. Ways to prevent moldy clothes
In fact, moldy clothes are mainly wet. The humid environment is the place where molds grow most rapidly and rampant. Therefore, this situation has the greatest probability in Meiyu season. Is there any way to prevent moldy clothes? In fact, it is very simple, that is to keep the wardrobe dry, especially in the wet season or environment, we should pay special attention to the dryness in the wardrobe, including the immediate replacement and dosage of desiccant, which can play a good effect. In fact, life is like this. Be careful, even mold has no opportunity.
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