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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2021-08-30 发布人:
1. Washing method of pure cotton overalls
For heavily polluted clothes or heavily polluted parts of clothes, wash them with a soft brush dipped in dry cleaning agent. The force shall not be too heavy during flushing, and the force shall be uniform. Washing method is an important method in dry cleaning.
2. Selection of dry cleaning agent for cotton work clothes
When dry cleaning clothes with technology, the dry cleaning agent is difficult to recover, and its waste is large. Starting from the economic concept, except for the use of tetrachloroethylene in individual cases, most of them use cheap 120# solvent gasoline or high-content alcohol. In addition, these two solvents are less toxic and evaporate faster than tetrachloroethylene. But both solvents are flammable. Fire free operation shall be carried out during operation, and attention must be paid to fire prevention to prevent loss caused by fire.
3. Wiping method of pure cotton overalls
The wiping method is to wipe the dust on the clothes with a towel soaked with dry cleaning agent, so that the dust is dissolved by dry cleaning agent and attached to the towel. When wiping, wash the towel in the dry cleaning agent while wiping, and dissolve the dust on the clothes in the washing solution through the towel, so as to achieve the purpose of cleaning and decontamination.
4. Pre stain removal of pure cotton overalls
Before the dry cleaning of work clothes, the dust on the surface of clothes shall be removed first. For local heavy stains, tetrachloroethylene and high-efficiency stain remover shall be used to remove them. Especially for water-soluble stains, high-quality detergent shall be selected or wiped with alcohol soap. Dry cleaning can only be carried out after the water-soluble stains on the work clothes are removed.
5. Soaking washing method of pure cotton overalls
For some woolen clothes with loose arrangement and structure, in order to prevent aliasing and deformation, the clothes can be put into the dry cleaning agent solution and washed with two hands. Compared with valuable clothes, this method is applicable to washing. This method consumes a lot of detergent. After washing the clothes, put the used dry cleaning solution into a closed container. After deposition, separate the dirt and continue to use.
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