联系人: 宁经理 手机:13953116782 电话:15990999232 邮箱:499589624@qq.com 地址:济南市槐荫区清河北路11号(美里新居南门斜对面)亚德森工厂店
来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2021-08-18 发布人:
1. Professionalism: the principle of work clothes design is clearly targeted: for different industries, different enterprises in the same industry, different positions in the same enterprise, different identities and genders in the same position, etc. Work clothes must be specially designed or selected for their own units. It is difficult for ready-made clothes to have ready-made products that can just meet the requirements of their own units.
2. Advertising: you can do publicity and advertising. For example, many employees in the service industry wear clothes printed with the company's logo and brand name. When they walk on the road and see people wearing the same clothes, I think we will subconsciously look more. This not only attracts people's attention, but also makes a free advertisement.
3. Convenient operation: work clothes are used for work. Whether work clothes (suits, shirts) or uniforms are selected, they must not hinder work, which is not fully considered by all ready-made clothes.

4. Economy: except for a few expensive work clothes, such as specific etiquette clothes and special clothes, most of them are required to have a reasonable price performance ratio, that is, compared with the grade of fabric, complexity of style and difficulty of process production. On the premise of the same aesthetic feeling and function, the design of work clothes should reduce the cost as much as possible, focusing on the details of style, material, difficulty of production and clothing structure.
5. Durability: at present, the enterprise with the largest procurement volume is also an enterprise where each employee has an average of four sets a year, and a set of clothes should be worn every day, and once worn, it is a year. The clothes are required to be very durable. Therefore, we should pay special attention to durability in the material and technology of clothing, and the abnormal wearing of work clothes should also be considered, which is generally not considered in the production of ready-made clothes.
6. Aesthetics: the aesthetics of work clothes is determined by the commonness of the spirit of clothes. Work clothes are made to facilitate work. In terms of aesthetics, the production technology is particularly important.
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