联系人: 宁经理 手机:13953116782 电话:15990999232 邮箱:499589624@qq.com 地址:济南市槐荫区清河北路11号(美里新居南门斜对面)亚德森工厂店
来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2019-04-04 发布人:
According to incomplete statistics, there should be hundreds of Jinan tailor-made garment manufacturers, but there are not many Jinan garment factories with their own production and processing factories, but it is difficult for enterprises to see from the Internet, because after all, most enterprises will claim that they have processing sites. In fact, Jinan Yadsen Garment Co., Ltd., as an old-brand Shandong garment manufacturer, will often receive them. Some customers come to factory for inspection. In fact, this is the most insurance method. However, for enterprises, it takes a certain amount of time. If enterprises do not come to factory for inspection, how to choose a good Jinan garment factory?
Customized Processing Technology of Tools一、看工艺
I. Looking at the Technology
Some enterprises are used to seeing whether Shandong workwear manufacturers can meet the requirements of the process according to their own needs, but in fact, they should learn to use reverse thinking, that is, whether the workwear manufacturers have various types of processes, and then whether the superior processes can meet their own requirements. Generally, powerful workwear manufacturers can master a variety of garment processes in the market, so they are relatively strong. It is more supportive to manufacture products.
Tool customization processing
2. Looking at the Purity of Fabrics
Fabric purity is also called fabric correspondence, for example, if enterprises want to customize a batch of pure cotton cultural shirts, before inviting Shandong workwear manufacturers to process, they must ask manufacturers about the purity of their fabrics, such as whether to use 100% pure cotton fabrics, or what percentage of pure cotton is, generally responsible, well-designed Shandong workwear manufacturers will fabric purity and disk. Put it out.
Custom-made pattern of tooling

3. Look at the price
Price is the most important index reflecting the strength of Shandong workwear manufacturers and their standardization. Normative workwear manufacturers have clear price regulations, including different processes, different fabric materials, different detailed requirements will have clear price differences, in order to make the price more fair.
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