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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2021-08-07 发布人:
The fabrics of high-end custom-made suits mostly use high-quality natural fibers such as pure wool tweed, gabardine and camel silk brocade, because it is easy to dye, feels good, is not easy to hair, is elastic, fits well and does not deform.
The fabrics of mid-range custom-made suits mainly include wool and chemical fiber blended fabrics. It has the attribute of pure wool fabric, the price is cheaper than pure wool, and it is easy to finish after washing. Therefore, it is deeply loved by the working class.
When choosing custom-made fabrics for suits, we must consider our own temperament, body shape, skin color and other factors. For example, if you are tall and dignified, or have a dark face, you can wear a suit with light colors, such as blue, gray and beige. This can make people feel friendly.

The pure wool navy blue suit accepted by the public is more suitable for fat people and can increase the dignity of the wearer. For thin people, it is neutral, while it is not suitable for short people. The common medium gray suit suit is more suitable for tall or thin people, but it is not suitable for fat people. The light gray suit suit is more suitable for people of all levels and tall and thin people.
The pattern of the fabric selected for the custom-made suit is relatively simple. Commonly used are thin line vertical stripes, which are mostly white or blue. Thick stripes or large squares are common in entertainment places. The fabric and style of men's suits also have a great relationship. Generally, medium and high-grade fabrics are suitable for fit and professional men's suits, while casual wool, linen, silk and other fabrics are mostly made into loose and long styles.
Due to the neutralization of clothing, there are more and more neutralization of men's and women's clothing fabrics. For example, tribute cloth, camel silk brocade and other fabrics commonly used in men's custom-made suits are used in women's wear, while silk, the characteristic fabric of women's wear, is also free and easy for men today.
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