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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2021-06-10 发布人:
企业在给员工购置统一的工装时,总是会在工装定做还是直接购买上存在不同层次的纷争,其实两者的出发点都是为了让员工穿上工装后放心、舒 适、又不乏时尚,但是大家却不太清楚工装定做比直接购买的优势,下面我来给大家介绍一下。
When enterprises purchase uniform tooling for employees, there are always different levels of disputes on whether to customize or directly purchase tooling. In fact, the starting point of both is to make employees feel relieved, comfortable and fashionable after wearing tooling. However, we are not clear about the advantages of customized tooling over direct purchase. Let me introduce them.
1、工装定做方便作业穿着更加舒 适。工作服是用于工作时穿的,无论选用的是工作服,还是制服,都保证穿着时不妨碍工作,而这是所有成衣均没有充分考虑的。
1. Customized tooling is convenient for operation and more comfortable to wear. Work clothes are used for work. No matter what work clothes or uniform are selected, they are guaranteed not to hinder work, which is not fully considered by all ready-made clothes.
2. Customized tooling is more durable. At present, enterprises with large purchasing volume also have an average of four sets a year for each employee, and one set of clothes needs to be worn every day for one year, which requires very durable clothes. Therefore, we should pay special attention to durability in the material and process of clothing, and the abnormal wearing of work clothes should also be considered, which is generally not considered in garment production.

3. Customized tooling is convenient for both men and women. At present, garment enterprises can not guarantee the production of men's and women's clothing at the same time. They need to purchase from men's and women's clothing enterprises respectively, which increases the difficulty of work and may lead to psychological imbalance between men and women workers.
4. Although the customized tooling is made by group, everyone needs to wear it, so the requirement for clothing is thousands of people and thousands of samples. In order to satisfy the employees, someone has to specially serve every employee. However, garment enterprises generally do not have such technicians and service personnel to serve.
5. The cost of customized tooling is low and the cost performance is high. After all, work clothes are an expense of the enterprise. No matter which unit claims that it doesn't care about money, it has a strict budget, and the price of ready-made clothes is generally higher than that of the same grade work clothes enterprise.
6. Tooling customized service is reliable and after-sales service is guaranteed. Purchasing work clothes requires a lot of service support. For example, the handling of inappropriate clothing, the replenishment of new employees, the distribution of products by department and post, and so on. If we purchase ready-made clothes, we will not be able to do all this, because garment enterprises do not need to set up such a service department, and there is no special person to track a certain customer.
When we make tooling to order, we must do it according to our own needs, so as to bring convenience to our later use.
Of course, for the purchase of work clothes, it is not necessary to buy ready-made clothes, which also varies with the needs of enterprises. If you have such needs, you can contact us at any time, and we will recommend suitable products for you according to your needs. If you want to order, please consult the official website: Jinan tooling customized http://www.ymsfs.com .
上一条:怎么让员工喜欢穿济南工作服? | 下一条:济南工作服定做厂家的特点是什么?
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