联系人: 宁经理 手机:13953116782 电话:15990999232 邮箱:499589624@qq.com 地址:济南市槐荫区清河北路11号(美里新居南门斜对面)亚德森工厂店
来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2021-06-05 发布人:
In the hot summer, have the business partners arranged their summer work clothes?
I believe that no one in the purchase of electrical and electronic products but asked how long the warranty is, but very few people in the purchase of clothes when asked about after-sales issues. Generally speaking, the quantity of customized work clothes is relatively large, and customized products usually do not accept returns, but as a personnel, you still have to ask, what should be done when there is a quality problem, and what is the process, so that you can not be in a hurry when there is a problem.
Next, I will tell you something about the summer work clothes.

夏季天气比较热,容易出汗,因此夏季工作服吸汗和排汗是首要条件,所以在面料的选择上尤其重要,面料的选择不仅决定了T恤衫的舒 适度,还决定了T恤衫工作服是否耐穿。
It's hot in summer and easy to sweat, so sweat absorption and perspiration of summer work clothes are the primary conditions, so the choice of fabric is particularly important. The choice of fabric not only determines the comfort of T-shirt, but also determines whether the T-shirt work clothes are durable.
Whether the overall image of the enterprise can be displayed. Summer work clothes should choose some light color series and other fresh colors. Of course, you can also choose the right color according to the corporate culture and office environment.
Summer work clothes have many colors and styles to choose. They are casual, fashionable, sweat absorbing and breathable. They are a must choice for many enterprises in summer work clothes. The delivery of summer work clothes is fast. Enterprise partners should arrange it quickly.
Summer work clothes are more new, all kinds of styles, all kinds of materials, you can choose, want the youth, fashion and vitality of the team work in summer! For more information, please click on the official website: Jinan work clothes http://www.ymsfs.com .
上一条:如何使发黄的衬衫恢复洁白? | 下一条:怎么让员工喜欢穿济南工作服?
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