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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2021-05-24 发布人:
Jinan professional dress on professional women's dress four stresses!
Neat and smooth
服装并非一定要高 档华贵,但须保持清洁,并熨烫平整,穿起来就能大方得体,显得精神焕发。整洁并不完全为了自己,更是尊重他人的需要,这是良好仪态的一要务。
Clothes don't have to be high-end and luxurious, but they must be kept clean and ironed flat, so that they can be decent and energetic. Neatness is not only for oneself, but also for the needs of others, which is an important task of good manners.
Color skills
Different colors will give people different feelings, such as dark or cold colors of clothing make people have a sense of visual contraction, appear solemn and serious; And the clothing of light color or warm tone can have dilative feeling, make a person appear relaxed and lively. Therefore, we can choose and match according to different needs.
In addition to the main clothing, shoes, socks, gloves and other collocation should also be more careful. Such as socks with transparent approximate skin color or clothing color coordination is good, socks with large patterns can not be elegant. Sandals or boots are not suitable for formal and solemn occasions. Black leather shoes are widely used and can match with any clothing.
Cleverly wearing accessories can make the finishing point and add color to ladies. But the jewelry should not be too much, otherwise it will distract each other's attention. When wearing accessories, try to choose the same color. The key to wearing jewelry is to unify it with your overall clothing.
In a word, dressing is a major event of "image project". Western fashion design masters believe: "clothing can not make perfect people, but 80% of the first impression comes from clothing." Therefore, we should not take it lightly! For more dressing information, please click: Jinan professional wear http://www.ymsfs.com .
上一条:怎么让员工喜欢穿工作服? | 下一条:工作服裁剪工艺要求?
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