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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2021-05-06 发布人:
Autumn and winter professional wear also needs maintenance, so how to maintain it? It's estimated that many people don't know the main points of maintenance. Next, I'll explain how to maintain professional clothes in autumn and winter.
1、 In ironing, temperature is the key. Generally, the ironing temperature should be controlled between 130 ℃ and 150 ℃, and other fabrics should be determined according to the composition. When ironing, first iron the small pieces, then iron the large ones. The order of ironing is: sleeve, back, shoulder, front and collar. In the process of ironing, do not use uneven force to prevent wrinkling. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the speed should be symmetrical, not fast and slow, to prevent affecting the overall effect of ironing.
2、 Try not to wear the professional clothes for a long time in autumn and winter. It is recommended to wear each professional dress for about three days. For example, pure wool, cashmere, silk and other fabrics are very comfortable to wear, but some parts will deform after wearing for a long time, so we need to let the clothes rest to recover.

3、 Every day when you get home, you should remove the items in your pocket in time. Then use a professional suit hanging up, and then put it in the environment with appropriate humidity, so that the suit will return to its original shape. The suit worn for a long time will shine in the parts often rubbed. This can drop some white vinegar into the water, and then dip it with cotton cloth and wipe it along the texture to remove the brightness of these parts.
四、高 档的职业装含毛量很高,在特别脏或者碰见污渍的时候,我们应该送去的干洗店进行干洗,以防止自己清洗所导致变形、缩水,褪色等问题,在储藏的时候要清洗干净,然后用衣架挂好,口袋里放入干燥剂,然后在套上专用的口袋,然后放在通风干燥的衣柜当中。
4、 The wool content of high-end professional clothes is very high. When they are particularly dirty or encounter stains, we should send them to a professional dry cleaner for dry cleaning to prevent deformation, shrinkage, discoloration and other problems caused by self-cleaning. When storing, we should clean them, hang them with a hanger, put desiccant in the pocket, and then cover them with a special bag, Then put it in a well ventilated and dry closet.
上一条:济南工作服沾染上铁锈怎么清洗? | 下一条:济南工作服职业装对企业有什么重要作用?
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