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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2021-04-28 发布人:
I believe we all know that there is a certain amount of preparatory work to be done for the cutting of work clothes, so what are the preparatory work for the cutting of work clothes? After understanding, we sort out the relevant issues about the preparation work of work clothes cutting for you, and then we will understand these contents together.
1. Model: it is an important link between design and product. Each cut piece has a cut pattern. The template must be complete in every aspect, and each template must be marked with warp direction and up and down direction on the front and back sides. When cutting, the fabric is mostly spread out, so the template should be in pairs. In practical application, the mark or color is often used to mark the paired samples. For the left and right asymmetric pattern, its position should only be marked on the front of the fabric.
Each sample plate must be clearly marked with the model number, clothing type, planned materials and the number of pieces of materials (i.e. the number of pieces of fabric, lining and twist lining)
2. Warp direction: refers to the relationship between the length direction of each pattern and the fabric. The hanging effect of a garment is related to the yarn direction of its fabric. As a general rule, the yarn direction should be marked according to the following principles:
Front piece: parallel to the front midline
Posterior segment: parallel to posterior midline
袖片:在真 正的袖中线上或者平行于袖中线
Sleeve piece: on or parallel to the true sleeve centerline
Lapel trimming: the trimming part shall be parallel to the edge line of lapel part
Tape: it is related to its position in the front piece. The direction line should be parallel to the direction line of the front sheet
Insert band: generally consistent with the length line of pocket piece
Collar face: parallel to collar center line
Collar lining: because the collar lining is mainly adhesive lining, it has no directivity, so the warp direction does not need to be very accurate.
Others: usually the yarn direction of a part is determined by its position in the garment.

3. Fluff trend: general fabrics have the problem of fluff trend, which can be divided into three categories according to the actual application
Unidirectional: the remarkable feature of this kind of fabric is that all the fluff is in one direction, such as corduroy, velvet, mohair and other fabrics. The fabric has obvious directionality, so it should be cut according to the direction when cutting.
Bi directional: bi directional fabric is one of the widely used fabrics in garment industry. Its fluff trend makes it more efficient than unidirectional fluff fabric. When discharging, it can be arranged according to different pile direction.
No direction: it means that the direction of fluff of this kind of fabric can be ignored. When using this kind of fabric, it can be arranged in different directions. This kind of fabric is widely used in men's and women's shirts and underwear.
4. Fabric pattern: it refers to the influence of the pattern and pattern on the layout of the fabric. It is generally divided into three types:
Unidirectional pattern: it means that all patterns of clothing should be arranged in one direction on the layout plan.
Bi directional pattern: it means that the fabric has certain directivity, but it is not clear which direction is dominant. In most cases, it can be arranged in one direction through selection and measurement.
Non directional pattern: refers to the fabric pattern does not have a certain direction, mainly depends on the influence of the direction of the pile, can be arranged according to any length direction.
The pattern of the fabric has patterns such as plaid and stripe, and it should be carefully typeset.
上一条:如何将职业装搭配出高 级感? | 下一条:济南工作服沾染上铁锈怎么清洗?
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