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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2021-03-26 发布人:
Will cotton work clothes shrink? How should I wash it? Many enterprises in the purchase will have such questions, if you are also confused, and listen to Xiaobian for your detailed answer!
对于纯棉面料的工作服,很多企业在采购的时候可以说是又恨又爱,一方面喜欢纯棉面料的柔软舒适,另一方面担心纯棉面料会缩水、会起球,影响员工的穿着和美观度。一般的纯棉工作服如果不经过特殊的处理,都会有不同程度的缩水, 因为棉花在纺纱时拉得很紧,织布时也拉得很紧,以变形。经过水洗后恢复原形,故而缩水。
For the work clothes made of pure cotton fabric, many enterprises hate and love when purchasing. On the one hand, they like the softness and comfort of pure cotton fabric; on the other hand, they worry that the pure cotton fabric will shrink and pilling, which will affect the wearing and beauty of employees. General cotton overalls will shrink to varying degrees if they are not specially treated, because the cotton is pulled tightly when spinning and weaving, and even deformed. After washing, it will return to its original shape, so it will shrink.
So, how do we wash cotton overalls?
First of all, must use cold water to wash the shirt, and can't pull hard, easy to cause deformation of clothes, also don't use the dryer to dry, natural air drying is good.
Secondly, when washing, try to add less washing powder or liquid, and use some softeners such as JinFang. Before washing, try to soak in light salt water for half an hour, and then wash with cold water; for shrunken clothes, you can stretch them on the cardboard, and then iron them with an iron, and the clothes can be restored to their original state.
上一条:男士燕尾礼服搭配技巧! | 下一条:工作服(制服)与职业装二者的区别!
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