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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2021-03-15 发布人:
Prevent clothes from fading
1. The striped cloth or standard cloth dyed with direct dyes generally has poor adhesion. When washing, try to add a little salt in the water. Soak the clothes in the solution for 10-15 minutes before washing, which can prevent or reduce the fading.
2. The blue cloth dyed with sulfurized fuel has strong adhesion but poor wear resistance. Therefore, try to soak in detergent for 15 minutes, gently scrub with hands, and then rinse with water. Don't rub with the washboard, otherwise the cloth will turn white.
3. The green cloth dyed with oxidizing fuel is generally firm and glossy, but it is easy to turn green when encountering reducing gas such as gas. Therefore, do not put the washed green cloth clothes on the stove to bake.
4. Although the fastness of various colored fabrics dyed with Shilin fuel is better, the color generally adheres to the surface of cotton yarn. Therefore, wear this kind of color cloth to prevent friction, avoid white cotton yarn exposed, resulting in serious fading, whitening phenomenon.

A magic way to keep color in laundry
Colored materials will fade, which is related to dye properties and printing and dyeing technology. For example, most dyes are easy to dissolve in water (especially in soapy water, hot water and alkaline water). The dye is also easy to fade under the action of sunlight in wet state. The combination of dyes and fiber lines is not strong enough and easy to fade after washing.
In order to keep the color of the material, first, wash it lightly; second, if you wash it with soapy water and alkali water, you must put some salt in the water (a bucket of water and a teaspoon); third, rinse it with clean water immediately after washing, do not let the soap or alkali soak for a long time or remain in the material; fourth, do not expose to the sun, and put it in a cool and ventilated place to dry.
Remove candle oil from clothes
First, gently scrape off the surface wax with a knife, then hold two pieces of straw paper on the top and bottom of the stain respectively, and iron them two or three times with an iron
The heat melts the wax in the cloth fiber, and the melted wax oil is absorbed by straw paper. Repeated several times, the candle can be removed.
Removing gum from clothes
1. The gum stains on clothes can be scraped off with a knife, then the egg white can be smeared on the relics to make them loose, and then they can be wiped clean one by one, and then they can be washed in soapy water and water.
2. Carbon tetrachloride can be used to smear the dirty place, scrub it, then wash it in soapy water, and rinse it with clean water.
上一条:定制工装衬衫的细节和保养方法 | 下一条:男士燕尾礼服搭配技巧!
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