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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2021-02-22 发布人:
Wearing professional clothing is not only a respect for the service object, but also a sense of professional pride and responsibility, which is the specific performance of dedication and pleasure in clothing. The requirements of wearing professional clothes are neat, clean, straight and generous.
Here we share the following professional clothes:
Neat: the clothes must fit well, with sleeves to the wrists, trousers to the feet, and skirts longer than the knees, especially underwear;
Cleaning: no dirt, no oil stains, no peculiar smell, especially the neckline and cuff should be kept clean.
Crisp: the clothes and trousers are not wrinkled. They should be ironed before wearing and hung well after wearing. The top should be flat and the trouser line should be straight.
Generous: the style is concise and elegant, the lines are natural and fluent, which is convenient for post reception service.
We can operate according to the above methods. I hope you can standardize the wearing of professional clothes. If you want to know more, please click Jinan professional wear http://www.ymsfs.com
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