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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2021-01-29 发布人:
As we all know, the import and export of goods in the customs inspection is very strict, tooling export is no exception. Customs clearance procedures are very cumbersome and particularly important, if not smooth customs clearance, it is impossible to complete the next transaction. And inspection is the key point to get the procedure.
1. Acceptance of application for inspection: application for inspection refers to the application for inspection made by the foreign trade parties to the commodity inspection authorities.
2. Sampling: After accepting the inspection application, the commodity inspection authority shall send personnel to the goods storage place for on-site inspection and appraisal of tooling export.
3. Inspection: After accepting the application for inspection, the commodity inspection authorities shall carefully study the declared inspection items and determine the inspection contents. And carefully review the provisions of tooling export contract on quality, specification and packaging, clarify the basis of inspection, and determine the inspection standard and method.
4. Issuing certificate: in the aspect of export, for the export commodities listed in the list, after passing the inspection by the commodity inspection authorities, the release certificate shall be issued or the release seal shall be stamped on the declaration form of export goods.
The above is in order to handle customs clearance procedures, tooling export needs to go through the inspection. These steps are indispensable to ensure the safe transportation of clothing and the orderly continuation of customs work.
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