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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2020-12-11 发布人:
What should be paid attention to in winter custom work clothes?
1、 Winter custom work clothes fabric
The fabric of work clothes depends on whether it is warm or not. The fabrics with good thermal insulation are suitable for winter work clothes. The requirements for warmth retention of winter work clothes are very high, and the warmth retention of fabrics has nothing to do with the thickness of fabrics. Even if the hollow fabric is very thick, the warmth retention is not as good as the fabric with dense count.
纯毛类面料:纯毛类面料不仅具有色泽自然柔和; 而且保暖效果也很好,所以纯毛类面料在冬季工作服定做中是比较常用的一种面料。
Pure wool fabrics: pure wool fabrics not only have natural and soft color, but also have good thermal insulation effect, so pure wool fabrics are commonly used in winter work clothes customization.
纯棉类面料:无论是定做哪一个季节中的工作服,我们对于它的吸湿性也是有着比较高的要求的,因为只有好的吸湿性,才可以保持人体热量的平衡。 采用纯棉类面料定做的冬季工作服,不仅可以吸收自身35%的水价而不感到潮湿,还可以使人感到温暖、舒适、柔软。
Pure cotton fabric: no matter which season is customized, we have higher requirements for its hygroscopicity, because only good hygroscopicity can keep the balance of human body heat. The winter work clothes made with pure cotton fabrics can not only absorb 35% of the water price without feeling wet, but also make people feel warm, comfortable and soft.

2、 Winter custom work clothes
In winter, the wind resistance of the fabric is not strong. The cold wind is easy to take away heat from the skin surface. Therefore, the fabric should be windproof. In terms of style, the collar should be a standing collar to cover the neck. The cuffs and hem are relatively tight, making it difficult for the cold wind to enter.
3、 Dirt resistance and washability of winter customized work clothes
It's cold in winter and clothes are thick, so it's not easy to clean. This requires that our daily wear of winter custom-made work clothes, fabric dirty, do not need to be often cleaned, so as to reduce unnecessary trouble.
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