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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2020-11-16 发布人:
Recently, custom-made work clothes customers have begun to choose winter style and fabric. The most common is to ask what kind of fabric to choose for winter work clothes, how about pure cotton? This time, we will talk about pure cotton work clothes, winter and winter work clothes. What kind of fabric should we choose.
Pure cotton fabric, 100% cotton easy to shrink, so generally put a little chemical fiber, this will not affect the feel and appearance of the conditions, improve the shrinkage and wrinkle resistance of pure cotton. So custom work clothes, the best choice of fabric with a little bit of other materials blended.
There are many cases of elastic work clothes, which always contain spandex. The spandex fiber is not dyed, but stained. Therefore, the color fastness is generally much worse than that without spandex. In fact, because the spandex is very fine after stretching, pay attention to the working clothes with spandex as little as possible.
For example, it is better to choose cotton polyester blended fabric for customized jacket work clothes during spring vacation, because the color fastness of pure cotton is not good, it will fade seriously, and then it is easy to wrinkle. The blended one is absolutely better, but many people are easy to get static electricity and cause allergy. Winter work clothes, you can choose chemical fiber blended fabric, because pure cotton moisture absorption is poor, easy to stick on the body is not very comfortable.
上一条:教您快速祛除工作服上的油污? | 下一条:快递工作服定做要注意那几个方面!
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