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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2020-08-27 发布人:
Tooling is the clothes we wear when we go to work, and some staff have special jobs, engaged in some metal, machinery and other work, it will inevitably rub rust, which has brought us a lot of trouble, with the usual cleaning method can not solve, next I will introduce to you the method of cleaning tooling rust.
1. With lemon juice and salt mixed paste in the dirt, rub a rub, and then wash twice, rust can be removed.
2. It can be removed by washing with 2% oxalic acid solution at about 50 ℃ in warm water, and then rinsed with clean water. Grind 3-4 vitamin C tablets into powder, sprinkle it on the dirty place of wet work clothes, and then rub it with water for several times to remove rust stains. If the rust is old, you can use the mixture of 10% oxalic acid, citric acid and water to soak the rusty part, and then immerse it in concentrated salt water, and then wash it after a day.
3. You can dip your work clothes in water containing 2% acetic acid. After two or three minutes, rinse with water. If there are few stains, you can also dip cotton stick in water containing 5% acetic acid and wipe it over and over again. The rust stains will disappear.
Please don't worry when we encounter the rust on the work clothes. We can clean them according to the above methods, because clean and tidy work is comfortable and pleasant. If you want to know more, please click Jinan tooling customization http://www.ymsfs.com 。
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