联系人: 宁经理 手机:13953116782 电话:15990999232 邮箱:499589624@qq.com 地址:济南市槐荫区清河北路11号(美里新居南门斜对面)亚德森工厂店
来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2020-08-10 发布人:
The most easy to wrinkle is linen and cotton work clothes. If your enterprise custom-made linen or high cotton content work clothes, in the case of not wearing clothes can be hung with a hanger to ensure the smoothness of the clothes. Dressing neatly represents not only the image of the company, but also the mental outlook and self-restraint of our wearers. Therefore - a set of flat work clothes is very important for enterprises and individuals.
1. From the beginning of cleaning, do not use too much force to wring the clothes after cleaning, because there will be a lot of wrinkles when the clothes are wrung out vigorously. Just hang the washed clothes flat to dry will reduce the wrinkle of clothes a lot.
2. If the crease of clothes is inevitable when cleaning, it can be eliminated by ironing, and the ironing methods are different for different fabrics.

3、一件工作服不要穿得时间太长了, 要记得勤换洗的。在工作中可能会经常出汗,如果不经常换洗,汗渍累积会使表面发黄。出现这种情况时再想清洗干净可就不容易了。而且出汗之后,衣服会发潮,这个时候在蹲、靠坐的话,衣服也更容易起皱
3. Don't wear a work suit for too long. Remember to change it frequently. In the work may often sweat, if not often change, sweat accumulation will make the surface yellow. In this case, it is not easy to clean up again. And after sweating, clothes will become damp. At this time, if you are squatting or sitting close, your clothes will wrinkle most easily
4. Another reason for clothing wrinkles is storage. Many people like to fold their work clothes up. If there are other clothes on the folded work clothes, they are easy to be pressed out and wrinkled. We just need to hang up the clothes for storage.
上一条:济南职业装告诉你上班要穿职业装的五大理由! | 下一条:亚麻面料清洗的技巧有哪些?
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