联系人: 宁经理 手机:13953116782 电话:15990999232 邮箱:499589624@qq.com 地址:济南市槐荫区清河北路11号(美里新居南门斜对面)亚德森工厂店
来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2020-05-14 发布人:
What mobile phone calls as like as two peas or a mobile phone are being used to fill the phone bill. Regardless of whether you go to the mobile phone or not, you will see that they are wearing the same clothes and work. Why do they choose to make uniform tooling now?
I mentioned as like as two peas in the last paragraph, which is the type and style of the clothes. The first advantage of this custom tooling is embodied. First, it is customized, and it must be made according to its own proportion. The size and fit are just right, only the clothes that fit comfortably are comfortable, and at the same time, it will also improve the efficiency.

The second is that customized clothes can choose fabrics freely. The same style is made of different fabrics, which will also show different effects. If it is a factory type enterprise, it can choose to customize anti-static and dust-proof work clothes. If it is a service industry type enterprise, it is recommended to choose some breathable and sweat absorbing fabrics. The comfort of clothes is related to whether the turnover will be greatly improved!
Here's what I want to talk about! (Dong Dong! Key points of knocking on the blackboard) the two points mentioned above are the wearability of customized tooling. Then the next thing is the culture of customized tooling. The culture of an enterprise is equivalent to the soul. Its main purpose is the horn of charge. As a leader of an enterprise, it is to strategize and command its generals and soldiers. Then when they are all wearing the same clothes Clothes will know that this is a comrade in arms. First, it can make employees unite, and second, it can show their corporate culture. It is a wise choice for leaders in terms of aesthetics and spirit.
This article is provided by Shandong garment factory. The above is the detailed introduction of tooling customization. For more information, please click http://www.ymsfs.com/
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