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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2020-04-29 发布人:
1、 The difference between cotton fiber, hemp fiber, Weimian fiber and hemp fiber in the working clothes factory is that they burn just near the flame. The flame is yellow and blue smoke. The smell of burning and the ash after burning are that cotton burns and paper breath, hemp burns and grass ash breath. After burning, cotton has very little powder ash, which is black or gray. Hemp produces a small amount of gray powder ash Ember.
2、 The wool fiber and silk wool of the working clothes manufacturer smoke when they are burned. When they are burned, they froth. The burning speed is slow. The burning smell of hair is burnt. After burning, the ashes are mostly glossy black spherical particles. When the fingers are pressed, they will be broken. When the silk is burned, it will be reduced to a ball shape. The burning speed is slow, accompanied by a hissing sound. The hair will be hot and burnt. After burning, it will form small black brown spherical ashes, which will be broken when the hands are twisted.
3、 PAF, the scientific name of PAF and pet nylon, is rapidly rolled and melted into a white gel near the flame. It drips and bubbles in the flame. There is no flame when it burns. It is difficult to inherit and burn without the flame. It gives off the smell of celery. After the brand clothing company cools, the light brown melt is not easy to grind. Pet, the scientific name of polyester, is easy to ignite. Near the flame, it is melted and shrunk. It burns When it melts, it emits black smoke, which is yellow flame and fragrant. After burning, the ashes are black brown hard pieces, which can be crushed by fingers.
4、 Working clothes manufacturer and acrylic fiber scientific name polyacrylonitrile fiber, near fire softens and shrinks, black smoke comes out after fire, the flame is white, it burns quickly after leaving the flame, it emits the acrid smell of burning meat, the ash is irregular black hard block after burning, and the hand twists easily.
Polypropylene fiber, the scientific name of polypropylene fiber, is inflammable and shrinkable near the flame. It burns slowly away from the fire and emits black smoke. The upper end of the flame is yellow and the lower end is blue, which gives off the smell of petroleum. After burning, the ash is hard round light yellow brown particles, which can be easily twisted by hand.
5、 Polyvinyl formal fiber, the scientific name of vinylon and vinylon, is not easy to ignite. It is melted and contracted in the near flame. There is a little flame on the top when it burns. When the fiber melts into glue flame, it will become larger, with thick black smoke and bitter smell. After burning, there are small black bead particles left, which can be crushed by fingers.
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