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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2020-04-23 发布人:
As we all know, the staff in the workshop are very hard, and the environment is relatively poor, so when selecting the workshop clothes, not only there is enough comfort and practicability to meet the needs of the work, but also attention should be paid to the color, style, size, fabric and other aspects.
1. Fabric: whether the workshop work clothes are comfortable or not, the choice of fabric is particularly important. In the workshop clothing fabric selection, you can choose the right fabric according to the nature of the work. In general, the selection of workshop clothing fabric in summer is mainly based on moisture absorption, perspiration and air permeability, so that after high-strength work, the air permeability of workshop clothing can make workshop workers not too sultry.
2. Style: many people think that the workshop work clothes only need practicability, and aesthetics need not be considered. In fact, this view is wrong. Even the workshop staff, they also want a set of unique workshop work clothes to show their bravery. The best style of workshop work clothes is to follow the trend of the times, so that employees can be more confident and committed to work.
3. Color: for the selection of color, the enterprise can choose according to the type of work of the employees who wear the work clothes in the workshop. If the workshop employees are often exposed to oil pollution, the color of the work clothes of the workshop employees can choose a darker color, which is more resistant to dirt.
4. Size: the size of the workshop staff's work clothes must be suitable for themselves. Only the suitable workshop staff's work clothes can be comfortable and practical.
The workshop staff must wear the workshop staff's work clothes when they go to work, which is a serious attitude towards work and respect for customers.
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