联系人: 宁经理 手机:13953116782 电话:15990999232 邮箱:499589624@qq.com 地址:济南市槐荫区清河北路11号(美里新居南门斜对面)亚德森工厂店
来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2020-03-30 发布人:
As the saying goes, food is the people's day, if we want to say now what market what market the largest, what shop the most, it is not considered to be the catering industry, restaurants can be seen everywhere, a place can not sell cars to sell clothes, but the restaurant must have. Food and beverage industry ferredo, brand is much, the work clothes is also each has its own advantages, today we are mainly to Chinese and western food as a contrast, talk about the soul of the restaurant -- chef's work clothes. In the chef industry, the color of chef's clothing is mostly white, there are also black, a restaurant's chef clothing can reflect the style of the chef and the spirit of the restaurant characteristics. There are many western restaurants all over our country now, but the operation of Chinese and western restaurants have their own characteristics, including the clothing of the staff is also different, as for the Chinese and western restaurant chef clothing have what characteristics and different, follow ji 'nan work clothes together to understand.

Chinese restaurant:
Chinese restaurant chefs are exquisite and comfortable, my clothes are loose, it convenient to cook, so version to loose fit is the main characteristic, is the chef's style with Chinese characteristics of elements, the chef's robe or chest with decorative pattern, or chest with a dragon, is the representative of a Chinese chef in our country, some chef's and collar button will flavor with a cheongsam, collar lining design, some buttons are traditional Chinese dish buckle, is with the characteristics of Chinese wind. The style of pants is solid color, shoe respect does not have western-style dining-room to ask so strict, as long as be not to wear slipper ok.
Western restaurant:
We all know that the scarf of foreign chef's dress has special place, their color is different, the class status that represents chef is different, and the chef's dress of western restaurant pays attention to delicate, the style should be slim, the skirt is decorated with simple double row button, dress front chest and arm side are equipped with pocket. Pants common pure black, black and white check or stripe, shoe also is uniform should wear black leather shoes, the design that western restaurant cook serves does more delicate and beautiful, the class of dining-room is taller.
Perfect design and mature technology combined with the professional customization, in order to improve the enterprise brand and shape the image of employees play the role of brick and tile, choose jinan adesen clothing co., LTD., custom clothing, also for you to customize the image!
上一条:夏季物业工作服要定做成什么样子的? | 下一条:工装定做时如何测量合适的尺寸
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